Learning Lab for Action and Policy Development

Urban Lab Region Skåne is organising a series of digital traineeships. The participants of these three events will explore how can we partner up over organisational borders to co-create futures for culture, arts and city/regional development. The events will take place on September 8, October 6 and November 12.
This learning process draws on experiences from the work in Skåne, Sweden – specifically the Urban Lab that the public regional actor Region Skåne convened from September to November 2019. However, we invite all participants to bring their experiences and questions to co-create knowledge in a dynamic, highly participatory online learning process. We create space for peer-to-peer learning that we hope opens up for creativity and support participants to articulate new ways forward in their context.
The traineeship is an explorative process but also aims to strengthen the capacity to host “labs” – where actors co-create learning, initiatives, and policy briefs in the area of arts, culture and societal development. We hope that the process will result in material useful for the continuous work of the CCSC project and all participants.
Who can join?
We welcome partners in the CCSC network but also their local/regional partners in governments, public agencies and independent organizations as well as other interested participants. You are also welcome to join as a team that would like to develop your partnership and practices.

Process outline
- Session 1: 8 Sept 13.00 – 16.00
- Session 2: 6 Oct 09.00 – 16.00 (main event)
- Session 3: 12 Nov 09.00 – 11.00
Timezone Malmö / Stockholm.
Note that even if you haven’t attended the first session, you are still more than welcome to join the second session on October 6, which will be the main event in this series.
We will work online and use a few different collaboration tools.
- David Ershammar, Omtänk utveckling / Malmöakademin
David Ershammar is a process designer and facilitator supporting public and non-governmental organizations to better co-create work in the areas of social change and sustainability. He was lead in the Skåne Urban Lab process.
- Jesper Hök, Gro – Co-Creating Sustainability
Jesper Hök support groups to co-create and learn around leadership and strategy and are right now involved in several initiatives to support actors in the fields of culture and arts to strengthen their role in society.
- Ola Jacobson, Executive Officer of CCI & International Affairs, Region Skåne Cultural department.
Ola Jacobson is coordinating the participation of Region Skåne in the Cultural and Creative Spaces and Cities project.
Urban Lab Skåne Background
During October-November 2019 Region Skåne invited stakeholders from all over the region and from many different levels and sectors in society to three workshops. The purpose was to discuss how we can develop new methods for co-creating policies and activities in order to make better use of culture in society development. How can the supporting structures for culture, business and other sectors cooperate to a larger extent and how can the engagement and knowledge of civil society interact with and influence the political strategies for sustainable local development? What is the best way for regional governments to support local municipalities in enhancing their co-creative capacities? The process and outcome of these workshops is the starting point of the Traineeship Event.