Urban Exploration Helsinki – Tartu

On 18 September 2020, Kiinteistö Oy Kaapelitalo produced a partially digital Urban Exploration event in cooperation with Finland’s largest cultural centre Kaapeli/Cable Factory and Estonian cultural centre Aparaaditehas. Working together with and empowering local citizens, the event explored the main themes of the Helsinki Art and Culture Vision 2030, which included co-creation, commons, activating citizens and opening […]
Urban Exploration Madrid

Organised by the non-profit organisation hablarenarte, the Urban Exploration Madrid is a journey around the city through a series of video-essays for, by, with. cultural policies and childhood which culminates a long-term field research into different strategies for implementing a meaningful participation of children in cultural institutions. hablarenarte defends the importance of building non-adult-centric participation […]
Urban Exploration Timisoara

How could community-led organisations contribute to creating public policies and how could they reinforce their implementation? This question presents the main challenge that the Urban Lab Timișoara has been addressing throughout their Urban Exploration. In the context of a forthcoming European Capital of Culture year 2021, the local community in Timisoara have embraced the many […]
Urban Exploration Kosice

During September and October 2020, Creative Industry Kosice organised a hybrid Urban Exploration: ‘Take the Creation of the City to your own Hands’ that brought together a mix of digital and in-person workshops. Gathering up to a hundred people, CIKE’s Urban Exploration engaged a range of participants through a series of interactive workshops. During these activities, working together with […]