Urban Lab Madrid Traineeship 2

for, by, with. Cultural policies and childhood. A round table
About the event
In early December 2020, hablarenarte collaborated with Intermediae to organise a round table that explored the promotion and implementation of children’s advisory boards within cultural institutions. During the event, participants had the opportunity to hear a range of voices. This included representatives of institutions working children within their organisations and other professionals developing participatory methodologies with young people.
This project stems from ongoing research around spaces that children occupy within the cultural sphere. The project aims to support permanent and stable channels that guarantee the active participation of children in culture.
Programme of speakers
With Mikhail Karikis (artist), Rosa Ferré (director of Matadero Madrid), Gisel Noè (director of Mataró Art Contemporani), Inez Veldman (educator at the Boijmans Museum in Rotterdam), and Lucia Zandigiacomi (architect, member of the urbanism and participation cooperative Raons Publiques), amongst others. The traineeship also welcomed participation from representatives of the Children’s and Youth Forums from the City Hall of Rivas Vaciamadrid.
Mikhail Karikis is a Greek/British artist. Through collaborations with children, individuals, and/or communities located beyond the circles of contemporary art, Karikis develops socially embedded projects that prompt an activist imaginary and rouse the potential to imagine possible or desired futures of self-determination and potency.
Rosa Ferré is the director of Matadero Madrid. Curator and cultural manager, Ferré has more than twenty years of experience in the conception and direction of exhibition and cultural dissemination projects in the fields of contemporary art, architecture, cinema, literature, and thought.
Gisel Noè is the director of M/A/C (Mataró, Spain). The project “Relat d’una exposició” MAC has generated a space for direct, transversal, and semi-professional collaboration with an elementary classroom. 5th and 6th-grade students faced the challenge and experience of building an exhibition, from the concept-development to the opening, taking part thereby in a significant project of participation in cultural institutions.
Inez Veldman is an educator at the Boijmans Museum (Rotterdam). She’s been accompanying the Children’s Advisory Board of the museum. The Board is formed by a group of kids of different ages and social environments that contribute to discussions about the museum’s policy, programming, and identity. The Board has been meeting from 2016 once a month.
Lucia Zandigiacomi is an architect member of the cooperative for urbanism and participation Raons Publiques (Barcelona). Since 2009 the cooperative operates as an urban social innovation that contributes to co-making the city. Through collaborative architecture and urban planning projects, it follows the involvement of communities in the conception, transformation, and management of spaces, through processes of direct participation.